
The objective of the CLIMARK Project is to develop an integrated framework for climate change assessments of international market systems that considers spatial and temporal dynamics at multiple scales from the local to the global and from the individual to an industry. The international tart (sour) cherry industry is used as an example industry because of its sensitivity to climate extremes and the limited adaptation strategies characteristic of any industry that has long planning horizons and long-term investments.....


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The international research team is composed of climatologists, computer scientists, economists, geographers and horticulturalists from Michigan (USA) and central and eastern Europe, two primary tart cherry production regions. The research team works closely with industry stakeholders.



MSU-led study to examine effect of climate change on global industries.......more...

MSU News October 12, 2009

NSF Awards Grants for Studies of Coupled Natural and Human Systems.......more...

NSF October 14, 2009


NSF Funding for this project: Towards an Integrated Framework for Climate Change Impact Assessments for International Market Systems with Long-Term Investments, CNH Award No. 0909378, is from the National Science Foundation Dynamics of Coupled Natural and Human Systems (CNH) competition Program.

Last Updated : Feb 10th, 2011